AIUB Robotic Crew (ARC) is a team of undergraduate students from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) who is passionate about the field of robotics. The team was formed with the purpose to compete in the University Rover Challenge (URC), an annual international robotics tournament for college students held Utah, USA since its inception in 2006. ARC started off as a young team (mostly 3rd year undergraduates) with little experience but they have made up for it with their passion to learn and excel in pursuing their dreams. The team was formed around the beginning of 2015 and soon got approval from their university to initiate their involvement in the competition, and have successfully participated in the competition as one of the teams selected and invited from Bangladesh 4 times in a row (2015-18) amongst the Top 36 Finalists at the URC. Even though hundreds of students were initially interested, the team had to be filtered down to only 18 of the best. The team comprises of 14 bright and hardworking students from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of AIUB and 4 exceptionally talented stalwarts from the Computer Science Department of AIUB. Some of these members had participated in robotics and programming contests and won national awards. Even with such diverse backgrounds and disciplines, the members of ARC share one common goal and that is to represent themselves, their alma mater and their nation, at the highest platform. With strong determination and work ethics, this team has grown in strength and confidence exponentially over time. They believe that through this opportunity they will be part of something special and inspire the future generations to follow in their footsteps.