8th Convocation

    The 8th Convocation of the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) was held on March, 10, 2008 at Bangladesh-China Friendship Convention Centre. The Honorable President of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh & the Chancellor of the AIUB Prof. Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed presided over the ceremony and conferred the degrees. H. E. Mr. Masayuki Inone, the honorable Ambassador of Japan in Bangladesh and Professor Nazrul Islam, Chairman, U.G.C., were present as convocation speaker & Convocation special guest respectively.
    A total of 743 students from various faculties received the degrees at under grade & post grade level.

    The Convocation speaker Mr. Masayuki Inoue stressed the need of Modern Technology and quality higher education. He categorically mentioned that national development is not possible without technological education. He also said that Bangladesh is a developing country and it is essential to give priority on human resources development for facing the challenges. He expects that the universities including AIUB will come forward to play vital role in this matter. He also pointed out the example of Japanese system of education by which they achieved their goal. The convocation Special Guset prof. Nazrul Islam, Chairman University Grants Commission in his speech told that it has been our constitutional obligation to remove illiteracy from our society but we failed. While there is a great need to improve quality of education at the primary, secondary and higher secondary levels. The need to establish quality at University level is indeed very important. He also pointed out that Private University is now playing a vital role on higher education but needless to say that only market oriented subjects are teaching. He hoped that Universities will look into the national needs and open those subjects. He also expects that the Govt. will assist the private university for establishing permanent Campus and also hoped that proposed Act will ensure better management. The founder Chairman AUIB Dr. Anwarul Abedin congratulated the graduated students. He assured that AIUB will continue to provide quality education. He also hoped that graduated students with their earned knowledge will be able to serve the society, nation and their family. The Vice Chancellor of the AIUB Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna highlighted the overall development and other activities of the university and congratulating the graduating students, she mentioned that with the assistance of Academicians and officials it was possible to maintain quality in AIUB. She hoped that the graduates will be able to face the global challenges with the knowledge earned from AIUB.

    The function was attended by the Founder & Vice President Hasanul A. Hasan, Ishtiaq Abedin, Nadia Anwar, Prof. Taffazzal Hossain, Pro-VC, Deans, Faculty Members, Teachers, Students & their guardians, Vice Chancellors of other Universities & Local & Foreign guests.

    Date : March 08, 2010, Monday
    Venue : Bangladesh-China Friendship Convention Center
    Speaker : His Excellency the Honorable Ambassador of Japan Mr. Masayuki Inoue
    Chief Guest : His Excellency Honorable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & the Chancellor of AIUB Md. Zillur Rahman.
    Special Guest : Prof. Nazrul Islam, Chairman, UGC
    Number of Graduates
    Total Number Graduates : 743
    Undergraduate Program : 563
    Graduate Program : 180
    Chancellor Award : 03
    Vice Chancellor Award : 13
    Chairman’s Award : 05
    Academic Award
    Summa Cum Laude : 44
    Magna Cum Laude : 19
    Cum Laude : 11