    The AIUB Oratory Club (AOC) was established in 2000 with the aim of providing students with the opportunity to develop their communications skills through the practice of debating. AOC focuses on equipping students with a platform to hone their critical thinking, research capabilities, articulation and diction in the format of oration.


    Enabling and encouraging public speaking, AOC conducts a number of different workshops and competitions that are geared towards helping students develop their abilities of problem-solving, quick-thinking, and brainstorming. The club participates and organizes national debate championships, in both formats of Bengali and English, within the university as well as on a national level. AOC undertakes initiatives to improve aspects of presentation, negotiation, and leadership amongst its members and the general student body.

    Membership of AOC is open to students from all 4 Faculties of the university, who are interested in debate and public speaking. Recruitments are conducted during the semesters, through which applicants are evaluated, interviewed, and selected to join the club. Currently, there are 89 proactive members working at AOC.


    AOC operates under the supervision of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), following the general structure for the Executive Committee (EC). OSA provides overall guidance and constant support to the EC for implementing the various events of the club.

    Future Outlook:

    AOC plans to create a diverse set of programs that will prepare students with skills needed to succeed in competitive environments. Through collaborations with alumni members of the debating fraternity, AOC will devise a diverse set of programs aimed towards engaging youth leadership, create socio-political awareness, and constructive team building that stimulates stronger democracy, unity, and empathy.