    AIESEC is a global youth-led organization striving to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential by activating leadership qualities in youth through practical experience and challenging environment. AIESEC was established in 1948, with the Bangladesh Chapter initiated in 1998 and then revived again in 2015. AIESEC aims to empower young people to make a progressive social impact. The organization believes that young people have the power to change the world, and work towards developing the knowledge, skills, and attitude they need to make a difference as future leaders for a better tomorrow.


    AIESEC believes leadership to be the fundamental solution for the better future, therefore we provide opportunities for young people to go on exchange experience in order to shape their leadership skills, experience cross cultural understanding, and contribute to the sustainable development goals. Over 200 students have from AIUB has undertaken the internship or program in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey, Italy, over the past years. One of the flagship initiatives is the Global Volunteer Program, which provides cross-cultural volunteer experience in a social project for young people who seek to develop themselves and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the value of “​developing yourself and the world​”. AIESEC also provides internship opportunities through partnerships with leading organizations around the world, where members can undertake valuable work experience in their field of interest, locally or internationally, along with various other educational programs like workshops, trainings, and conferences for members that focus on their personal and professional development in the long run.

    Membership of AIESEC is open to students from all 4 Faculties of the university, who are interested in leadership development and global change. Recruitments are conducted during the semesters, through which applicants are evaluated, interviewed, and selected to join the club. Currently, there are 45 proactive members working at AIESEC from AIUB.



    AIESEC in AIUB operates under the supervision of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), following the general structure for the Executive Committee (EC) of the local chapter. OSA provides overall guidance and constant support to the EC for implementing the various events of the club.

    Future Outlook:

    AIESEC is a growing organization with a bright future in a world that needs more young leaders to bring about a positive change. Committed to enabling the youth to develop the skills they need to make a difference, AIESEC in AIUB will be enhancing and enriching their initiatives to equip the leaders of tomorrow in realizing their full leadership potential through facilitating these cross-cultural exchanges, taking initiatives for progressive growth, and playing their role in contributing to the development of communities across borders.